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I90 Westbound via Hamilton Street Exit: 

Take exit 282A, Hamilton Street.  Follow Hamilton Street north to E Spokane Falls Blvd.  

Turn left (west) onto E Spokane Falls Blvd

Go straight thru the 4 way stop on North Sherman St

Turn right into the WSU parking lot and proceed East (straight) directly to the rear of the vet clinic.

There is reserved parking directly behind the clinic for vet clinic patrons. Follow the alley behind the clinic around to the front door.


I90 Westbound via Division St/395 North/US 2:

Take exit 281 to merge onto Division St/Hwy 395 North (0.7mile)

Turn right onto E Spokane Falls Blvd 

The clinic will be on the right side approximately 2 blocks east of Division St.


I90 Eastbound:

Take exit 281 north towards US-2 E/US-395 N/Newport/Colville

Merge onto Division St/US-2 E/US-395 N/Newport/Colville (0.5 mile)

Turn right onto E Spokane Falls Blvd

The clinic will be on the right side approximately 2 blocks east of Division St.


North of Spokane via Division St/395 South:

Follow Division St. south, merge onto southbound N. Browne St. (1 block)

Turn left on W. Main Ave (1block)

Turn left on N Division St (1block)

Turn right onto E Spokane Falls Blvd 

The clinic will be on the right side approximately 2 blocks east of Division St.


North of Spokane via Nevada/Hamilton St:

Follow Nevada St. south (Nevada turns into Hamilton St)

Turn right onto E Spokane Falls Blvd

Go straight thru the 4 way stop onto North Sherman St

Turn right into the WSU parking lot and proceed East (straight) directly to the rear of the vet clinic.

There is reserved parking directly behind the clinic for vet clinic patrons. Follow the alley behind the clinic around to the front door.

I90 Westbound Hamilton
I90 Westbound Division
I90 Eastbound
North Division
North Nevada

Please call to schedule an appointment:


We accept referrals from primary care veterinarians as well as self-referrals.

©2018 The Animal Eye Clinic. Proudly created with

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